Do you remember cracked ice vinyl?

TV dinner, anyone?

TV dinner, anyone?

Cracked ice vinyl was popular in American homes in the ‘50s and ‘60s. It brings back memories of TV dinners and Happy Days (I know the show is from the ‘70s, but TV dinners and the vinyl were around a long time)!

Vinyl is a great choice for residential or commercial seating. You can pad the seat like crazy and it’s easy to clean. Here in Austin, you probably want to keep it in areas that are air conditioned!

I recently had a customer bring her original cracked ice dining seats to be reupholstered. What a fun project! Cracked ice is available in a number of reproductions, but unfortunately green cracked ice is no longer available anywhere.

Cracked ice reproductions are around, but green cracked ice is no longer available anywhere.

Cracked ice reproductions are around, but green cracked ice is no longer available anywhere.

Instead, we decided to redo her seats in this gorgeous Schumacher back with a solid chenille seat. They look great!

A beautiful and fresh updated look.

A beautiful and fresh updated look.

If you have green cracked ice vinyl, take care of it and hold on to it! You can’t reupholster them in green, and buying them second hand isn’t cheap, and they are hard to find.

Do you have cracked ice in your home? What other retro furniture do you remember and love? Reach out to me on Facebook or Instragram (below) and let me know!